Payment Options

Small Animals

There’s no doubt about it, Vet care can be expensive! Especially when accidents happen. Luckily there are a few options when it comes to helping pay for Veterinary bills.

Pet Insurance

  • Many of our clients have been able to approve life saving treatment as a result of having pet insurance. This can save having to worry about money through what can be stressful and emotional times.
  • There are different types of cover, depending on your preference and budget, so please do your research before choosing a provider.


    • We are also proud to partner with VetPay, a company that assists with payment plans relating to Veterinary services

    Dedicated bank account

    • If these don’t take your fancy, then we would also like to encourage you to set aside some funds for Veterinary care. Suggestions for this include a designated credit card, or even putting funds straight onto your file here!